Fall 2014
Associate Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Education
CERAS Learning Hall
Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Education, University of Virginia
CERAS Learning Hall
Assistant Professor of Education and Economics, Harvard University
CERAS Learning Hall
Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, Aga Khan University
CERAS Learning Hall
Susan B. King Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics, Duke University
CERAS Learning Hall
Professor of Economics, University of Munich; Director, Ifo Center for the Economics of Education
CERAS #513
Winter 2015
Associate Professor and Chancellor's Fellow, University of California, Davis
CERAS Learning Hall
Professor, University of Michigan
CERAS Learning Hall
McCormick Foundation Professor of Social Service Administration, Law, and Public Policy University of Chicago
CERAS Learning Hall
Senior Economist and Research Advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
CERAS Learning Hall
Professor, Harvard University
Cubberley 115
Spring 2015
Professor of Economics, University of Stavanger
CERAS Learning Hall
Associate Policy Research Scientist, College Board
CERAS Learning Hall
Professor, University of Michigan
CERAS Learning Hall
Professor of economics at the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and fellow of the Tinbergen Institute (Amsterdam) and CESIfo (Munich)
CERAS Learning Hall
Associate Professor of Sociology and Education, University of Virginia
CERAS Learning Hall
Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia University
CERAS Learning Hall
Professor, The University of Texas at Austin
CERAS Learning Hall
Associate Professor of Public Policy and Education, Vanderbilt University
CERAS Learning Hall