Previous Events
Kai Drekmeier, Founder and President of InsideTrack
Ari Blum, Chief Financial Officer of InsideTrack
Cubberley 115
Bruce Fuller, University of California, Berkeley; Jennifer Imazeki, San Diego State University; Julie Marsh, University of Southern California; Brian Stecher, RAND Corporation; Thomas Timar, University of California, Davis.
Sacramento, CA
Chancellor's Professor Emeritus of Higher Education at Indiana University Bloomington
Cubberley 114
University of California, Berkeley
Sacramento, CA
Marie & Max Kargman Associate Professor in Human Development and Urban Education Advancement, Harvard University
The project’s second milestone was a conference with three main goals: (1) present detailed empirical pictures of current governance structures, market dynamics and career trajectories in the access sector; (2) specify what empirical research on broad-access governance, market dynamics and careers is necessary to improve college performance; and (3) specify necessary investments required in data collection, basic research, student training and professional mentoring. Commissioned papers may be found here. The conference’s summary document is titled "Three Ideas for Broad-Access Higher Education."
Stanford University
Sacramento, CA
President, The New Teacher Project
The John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Building, Stanford University
Associate Professor of Public Policy, Georgetown University