Data Collection


In the Spring and Summer of 2004, we surveyed program graduates in traditional and alternative teacher education programs in the New York City area. For a list of participating teacher education programs, go to Supporters.

In the Spring and Summer of 2005, we surveyed first-year teachers in NYC who began teaching in the 2004-05 school year and elementary teachers and high school math and science teachers who were first year teachers in the 2003-04 school year. Data collection for the 2004 first-year teachers ended in July 2005, data collection for the 2003 first year teachers ended in September 2005. (Has a more current data collection with surveys been done?)

List of Surveys Administered to Date

Teacher Preparation Program Graduates, Spring 2004
This survey of traditional teacher education program graduates was administered to prospective 2004 graduates of 18 public and private undergraduate and graduate teaching preparation programs located in the New York City area in Spring 2004. The survey solicits prospective teachers' experiences and views concerning their professional preparation, their subject matter preparation and their future plans.
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Graduates of Alternative Certification Programs, Summer 2004
This survey was administered to students in two alternative certification programs during the summer of 2004: the New York City Teaching Fellows Program and the Teach For America program. Students in these programs were administered the survey close to the end of their pre-service training and before they entered the classroom in September 2004. Like the survey of graduates of traditional programs, the survey solicits their experiences and views concerning their professional preparation, their subject matter preparation and their future plans.
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Teachers in First Year of Teaching, School Year 2004-2005, Spring and Summer 2005
This survey was administered to all first-year teachers in New York City public schools who first began teaching during the 2004-2005 school year. The survey solicits first-year teachers' experiences and views concerning their preparation to teach, characteristics of the schools in which they are teaching and their future plans.
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Teachers in First Year of Teaching, School Year 2003-2004, Spring and Summer 2005
This survey was administered to all first-year teachers in New York City public schools who first began teaching during the 2003-2004 school year. The survey solicits these teachers’ experiences and views concerning their preparation to teach, characteristics of the schools in which they teach and their future plans, based on their first year of teaching during the 2003-2004 school year.
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Teachers in Second Year of Teaching, School Year 2005-2006, Spring and Summer 2006
This survey was administered to all teachers in New York City public schools who first began teaching during the 2004-2005 school year. The survey solicits these teachers’ experiences and views concerning their experiences, and their future plans, based on their first and second year of teaching.
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