Associate Professor, School of Government, P. Universidad Católica de Chile
Susana was an economics of education doctoral student from Chile. She's a Research collaborator at PERTS (Project for Education Research that Scales) .Her research interests focus on low income students, teachers, and socio-emotional skills. Her advisors were Susanna Loeb and Carol Dweck. Susana is the co-founder of Enseña Chile, which is part of the Teach for All network since 2008. Prior to that, she was advisor of the Secretary of Education in Chile to help schools recover from the earthquake and worked on developing collaborative software for classrooms in different schools around the world. She is member of Advisory Boards of Comunidad Mujer, the Global Learning Lab at Teach for All, Impulso Docente, and others. She has taught students in the US and Chile from K-16. She graduated as a civil engineer and computer scientist from Chile, and earned a Masters in Education from Harvard University. Currently, she works as an Assistant Professor at the School of Government at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.