Luis Filipe de Miranda Grochocki (grochocki@stanford.edu) is an Analyst in Science and Technology at the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES). Luís Filipe served as the General Coordinator for International Scholarships and Projects (2013-2016) and also the Coordinator for the federal grant program Science without Borders. Working in the Department of International Relations since 2009, he was previously Coordinator for South-North Cooperation Programs (2011-2012) and General Coordinator for International Programs (2012-2013). He holds Bachelor’s degrees in International Relations (2004) and Law (2010), both from “Centro Universitário de Brasília – UNICEUB” and a Master's degree on Education in Sciences (2016), from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Education Policy at Stanford University, under the supervision of Profs. Martin Carnoy and Daniel McFarland. His main research interests are impact evaluations of policies on higher education and international mobility/study abroad programs. Besides, he is also specializing in the analysis of social networks in academia.