Dr. Kenneth Shores is a postdoctoral research fellow and lecturer in the Education Policy division. His past teaching experience includes working as an elementary and middle grades teacher with the Navajo Nation in New Mexico as well in Quito, Ecuador. In his research, Dr. Shores focuses on education inequality and policy tools for remediation, with emphasis on quantitative methodologies. Incorporating both quasi-experimental and descriptive methods using large data sets, he examines policies and contexts that affect student learning, particularly the learning outcomes of disadvantaged students. Dr. Shores is researching multiple topics, including the heterogeneity of effects of school finance reform, the impact of the Great Recession on school resources, and civic engagement, among others. Dr. Shores received a 2016 award from the Russell Sage Foundation and William T. Grant Foundation Small Grant Competition for his project “Improving Education and Reducing Inequality in the United States.” Previously he received fellowships from the National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation, the Stanford Philanthropy and Civic Society, the Institute for Education Sciences, and Stanford University.