
We have two panels that advise us on the Teacher Pathways Project. Panel members come from a wide range of organizations in New York and around the country, and bring with them broad experience and knowledge in the field of teacher education. They represent varied interests and provide us with a range of perspectives and insights on our research methodology and findings. These individuals have made themselves available to us at various phases of our project to review methodology and preliminary findings and provide critically-needed reactions and comments to our research efforts and findings. Their involvement is a vital part of our study.

Our policy panel has helped us to better frame policy issues related to our study and to better understand the policy implications of our research and findings. The policy panel is represented by individuals who often are called upon to make or advise policy decisions related to teacher education in New York State. Policy panel members are:

  • Elizabeth Arons, CEO, Division of Human Resources, New York City Department of Human Resources
  • Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Deputy Commissioner for Higher Education, New York State Department of Education
  • Aminda Gentile, Vice President, United Federation of Teachers
  • James Kadamus, Deputy Commissioner for Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education, New York State Department of Education
  • Jan McDonald, Dean of Education, Pace University

Our advisory panel helped us to frame and structure the research questions in the early stages of the project, reviews preliminary findings and gives us much-needed feedback. The advisory panel consists of individuals who have studied various aspects of teacher education and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the project. Advisory panel members include:

  • Carla Asher, Associate Dean, Education Department, Hunter College, City University of New York
  • Vicki Bernstein, Director, New York City Teaching Fellows Program, New York City Department of Education
  • Marilyn Cochran-Smith, John E. Cawthorne Professor of Teacher Education for Urban Schools, Boston College
  • David K. Cohen, John Dewey Professor of Education, Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Education Policy, University of Michigan.
  • Ronald Ehrenberg, Irving M. Ives Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and Economics, Cornell University.
  • Robert Floden, Professor and Associate Dean, Institute for Research on Teaching and Learning, Michigan State University
  • Lori Mei, Senior Instructional Manager, Office of Assessment and Accountability, New York City Department of Education
  • Richard Murnane, Juliana W. and William Foss Thompson Professor of Education and Society, Harvard University
  • Ana Maria Villegas, Professor, Curriculum and Teaching, Montclair State University
  • Nicholas Michelli, Professor, City University of New York