Leading and Learning in CA Schools: Preparing and Supporting Effective School Leaders


September 2009

The Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Policy Analysis for California Education

The Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Policy Analysis for California Education co-sponsored a one day conference looking at preparing effective school leaders on September 25, 2009. This was a free, one day seminar for researchers, the policy community, district and school administrators and faculty. This seminar offered research perspectives on effective leadership in educational settings, examining their use in context, and exploring their implications for policy and future systemic change in California. The seminar featured presentations by education and business leaders including Richard Rothstein from the Economic Policy Institute, Craig LaFargue from Lee Hecht Harrison, and Mary Alice Callahan from the California Federation of Teachers. This presentation reviews the multiple roles, responsibilities and working conditions of California school principals and how reform in the preparation and support of principals can improve school leadership efficacy.