Tamara Gilkes Borr completed her doctorate at Stanford University's Graduate School of Education in 2019. She employed quantitative and qualitative methods to explore various aspects of education including undergraduate admissions, college student social network development, and faculty tenure and promotion. While at Stanford, Tamara served as a policy advisor fellow for former California Attorney General Kamala Harris where she calculated school- and district-level racial disparities in discipline. She also served as a public policy intern at The College Board where she analyzed racial disparities in Advanced Placement course enrollment.
Prior to Stanford, Tamara was a New York City public school teacher for five years. She has also received a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Journalism from New York University, a Master’s degree in Education from City University of New York-Lehman College, and a Master’s degree in Sociology from Stanford University. Currently, Tamara is a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. To learn more about her work, including some of her journalistic endeavors, follow her at @tamaragilkes.