Thomas Dee, professor of Stanford Graduate School of Education, is elected to Board of Directors at the 39th Annual Conference of Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP).
As a dynamic organization, AEFP needs to tackle the important education finance issues of the day. They are not solely about funding mechanisms and alternative approaches to taxation. Teachers' decisions about where to teach and how to teach strongly affect the cost of education. Moreover, both federal and state policies now link governance and instructional practices directly to finance. Key education finance policymakers also are key policymakers for personnel policies, governance policies, and curricular and instructional policies. Our journal has reflected this link between finance and policy since its inception.
Thomas Dee, Ph.D., is a Professor of Education at Stanford University and a research associate with the programs on education, children, and health at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Professor Dee is also a co-Editor of the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. His research focuses largely on the use of quantitative methods (e.g., panel data techniques, instrumental variables, and random assignment) to inform contemporary policy debates. Recent examples include econometric evaluations of incentive and accountability-based reforms and an analysis of recent, stimulus-funded, school-turnaround initiatives.