The 2014 AEFP Annual Conference will take place in San Antonio, Texas on March 13-15. The conference will present, discuss and evaluate the latest research on a wide spectrum of education topics, from pre-K to postsecondary, and encourage vigorous debates about current reforms and policy directions and their effects.
The 2014 conference theme is New Players in Education Finance and Policy. Both K-12 and higher education are in the midst of rapid and fundamental change: proliferation of new technology; new sources of investment capital and start-up vendors offering potentially game changing products/services; new public-private partnerships; venture philanthropy; continued growth of new sources of teachers and school leaders; the emergence of ‘big data.’ What is the impact of these trends on the education sector and the prospects for improving effectiveness and equity? How can research help make sense of this fast-changing environment?
1.01 - Teacher Effectiveness and Personnel Decision Making
SUSANNA LOEB, Stanford University. Performance Screens for School Improvement: The Case of Teacher Tenure Reform in New York City. Co- author: LUKE C. MILLER, University of Virginia, JAMES WYCKOFF, University of Virginia
JASON A. GRISSOM, Vanderbilt University. Assessing Principals’ Assessments: A Closer Look at Subjective Evaluations of Teacher Effectiveness. Co-author: SUSANNA LOEB, Stanford University
2.01 - The Market for Schooling: How Families Choose Schools
JON VALANT, Stanford University. About What and From Whom? How the Provision of School Quality Information Affects Choosers' Attitudes, Behaviors, and Outcomes. Co-author: SUSANNA LOEB, Stanford University
4.03 - Adequacy and Equity in School Finance
CHRISTOPHER A. CANDELARIA, Stanford University. Court-Ordered Finance Reform During the Adequacy Era: Achievement Effects. Co-author: KENNETH A SHORES, Stanford University
7.01 - Managing the Teacher Workforce in the District of Columbia
THOMAS DEE, Stanford University. Incentives, Selection, and Teacher Performance. Co-author: JAMES WYCKOFF, University of Virginia