Albuquerque, New Mexico
Come and see us discuss/participate/present at The 2014 Fall APPAM Research Conference on November 6 - 8 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Experimental Evidence on the Impacts of Online Education
Virtually Large: The Effects of Class Size in Online College Courses. Eric Bettinger, Chris Doss, Susanna Loeb, and Eric Taylor, Stanford University
The Evolution and Evaluation of the Charter School Sector
The Evolution of Charter School Quality. Steven Rivkin, Patrick Baude, and Marcus Casey, University of Illinois, Chicago; Eric Hanushek, Stanford University
Educational Goods and Charter Schools. Susanna Loeb, Stanford University; Helen Ladd, Duke University; M. Harry Brighouse, University of Wisconsin; Adam Swift, University of Warwick
Effects of Educational Accountability Policies
The Impact of Accountability on Teacher Academic Ability, Encouraging Long Term Evidence. Andrew McEachin, North Carolina State University; Susanna Loeb, Stanford University; Hamilton Lankford, State University of New York, Albany; Luke C. Miller and Jim Wyckoff, University of Virginia
Efficacy of College Affirmative Action and Alternative Policies
Simulation Models of the Effects of Race- and Socioeconomic-Based Affirmative Action Policies. Sean F. Reardon, Rachel Baker, and Matt Kasman, Stanford University; Daniel Klasik, University of Maryland; Joe Townsend, Stanford University
Online Education and the Continuing Transformation of Secondary, Postsecondary, and Graduate Education
Changing Distributions: How Online College Classes Alter Student and Professor Performance. Eric Taylor, Lindsay Fox, Susanna Loeb, and Eric Bettinger, Stanford University
The Teacher Labor Market in an Evolving Policy Landscape: Teacher Assignment, Turnover and Productivity
Strategic Staffing: How Accountability Pressures Affect the Distribution of Teachers Within Schools and Resulting Student Achievement> Jason A. Grissom, Vanderbilt University; Demetra Kalogrides and Susanna Loeb, Stanford University
New Technology and Teacher Productivity. Eric Taylor, Stanford University
Community College Pathways: Factors Affecting Persistence and Degree Attainment at Public Two-Year Colleges
Class Size in Community College. Oded Gurantz, Stanford University
Policy Efforts to Turnaround Persistently Low-Achieving Schools
School Turnarounds: Evidence from the 2009 Stimulus. Thomas Dee, Stanford University
New Perspectives on Improving Teacher Quality: Evidence from DC Public Schools
Teacher Hiring and Student Achievement: Evidence from Applicants and New Hires in the DC Public Schools. Brian Jacob, University of Michigan; Ben Lindy, Teach for America; Jonah Rockoff, Columbia University; Rachel Rosen, University of Michigan; Eric Taylor, Stanford University
The Effects of Teacher Reform on Student Achievement: Evidence from the District of Columbia. Melinda Adnot, University of Virginia; Thomas Dee, Stanford University; Veronica Katz and Jim Wyckoff, University of Virginia
Education Reform and Student Achievement in the District of Columbia: Three Sources of Evidence. Melinda Adnot, University of Virginia; Thomas Dee, Stanford University; Veronica Katz and Jim Wyckoff, University of Virginia
Policy Reforms and the Distribution of School Principal Effectiveness
Teach for America and the Development of School Leadership. Gregory Branch, University of Texas, Dallas; Eric Hanushek, Stanford University; Steven Rivkin, University of Illinois, Chicago
Teacher Compensation and Strategic Teacher Retention: Evidence from the Lab to the Field
The Effects of Performance-Based Compensation: Evidence from the Ohio Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF). Thomas Dee, Stanford University; Alexander Smith and James Wyckoff, University of Virginia
Discussants: Eric Taylor, Stanford University; Betheny Gross, University of Washington