The National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research
On Friday, December 11th 2009, the National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research held its 3rd Annual Conference: Principal Effectiveness and Leadership in an Era of Accountability: What Research Says. This year's conference focused on educational leadership and management. The meeting brought together policy analysts, prominent scholars in education research, and educational leadership practitioners to shed some light on the extent to which school leaders matter for student achievement, teacher effectiveness, and effective schools, and why. Among the issues discussed were the ways in which school performance relates to the characteristics of school principals; how school leadership relates to teacher attrition; school policies and practices common among successful school leaders; and how to prepare principals for this increasingly demanding job. This presentation focused on the results of a study in Miami-Dade County Public Schools looking at the relationship between principals' time use and efficacy and their schools' educational effectiveness.